A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


team tryouts

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Smiley from millan.nethi bloggiepals!

pant pant pant, heavy breathing..must lay down! spring has sprung and turned on the sun! it's been in the mid 60's up to 70 degrees all week long. ( note: sun + 60 =  too (la) hot doggie)

estimated pass out time on my sunny afternoon walkies is now around 10 minutes. well, i do pass out.. but at least there's entertainment while i take a rest on the cool grassballz. i would find it relaxing if there wasn't all this mumbling by my walker about "how is she suppose to get exercise when all i do is lay down." blah blah blah.  geesh,  someone's cranky after work.  that's when i had a brilliant lightbulb idea-r! ding!

hey, i'll join one of the sports team. why not? we're always walking about the local high school.. everyone looks like they're having fun.

So, let's check out some of my choices.

Batter up! BASEBALL!
they play with a ball- ok, check.
one person hits the ball, everyone else stands there and watches.
( maybe i could lay down) ok, check.
hey maybe they need an extra bench warmer.
a possibility...

 then there's the tennis team.
no shade, standing, jumping, running forward, backwards.
umm.. don't think i'm going to do the ball pickup around the court either.
no way jose..

 let's see, the lacrosse team practices out in the back of the school.

o---u--t o-f br--e-a--th just walking out here.
and that's when i overhead the conversation about
rookies have to carry the water & equipment..
lacrosse not so much for me. 

besides somehow the ball keeps getting thrown in my direction,
are they trying to tell me something?
i get it, it's a boys only team. geesh!

hold on, need a break.

better give this more thought before a final decision!
Free Smiley Courtesy of www.millan.net

happy sunday!

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Bruce said...

Are they looking for a new mascot Tula? You'd be great at that!
Happy Sunday!
your cat pal,

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Tula, sheesh, We could barely keep up with you!

I hear Team Couch Potatoe is recruiting!

Dexter said...

Hey Monstah! I'm with you on all this exercise crap. Sheesh! Yesterday was totally like 9 million degrees out! I didn't even want to have my nommy bone outside.

That said, I think that you should be proud of yourself watching all those sporty humans without causing a fuss. They can be most stressful to observe for sensitive doggies such as ourselves.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Now,Tula, what would you do if you had to wear a furcoat like we all have? And the Momster here makes us walk in the Kansas heat and humidity of summer - not a lot of fun when it hits the upper 90s. Too bad we can't keep this new snow all year round.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Your thermometer is like the one my mom and I have!

PLUS, thinking about Mango....

We are SO khooked!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Cezar and Léia said...

oh sweetie,
I'm tired here just to see it!So many sports!wowwwww
Go for it Tula, You are the best!
purrs and love
Luna - We love LUNA

Agatha and Archie said...

YOO HOOOO its us...your long last pals.........listen forget about those nice days we are sitting here right now FREEZING again....geesh..MAKE UP YOUR MIND......SPRING OR WINTER,,,ok we are PSYCHED to see you in the same class as your cousin and pee wee!! Uhmmm does he bring hot dogs to class?? You are doing so welll..I am afraid you are WAY beyond us now.... it must be a terrier thing.....we think we will always be a little how shall we.....REACTIVE to things.. Love A+A

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You are great at getting the Team motivated! But my Mom is pooped out! She wants to lay down on the floors with the Monty Dog and go to sleep... only Monty then thinks she is a toy!

I am giving you an award. I don't know if you accept award from kitties! If you would like it and you haven't got it yet you can pick it up on my blog.

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

I wouldn't be to good at sports - besides guide dog work & playing at home I SLEEP :)

You sure are a pretty dog!
