A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


funtimes on the Northend-kinduv

Posted by with 9 comments
hi bloggies!

special visitors are in town .. my gma & grandpappy! they drive from good ole milwaukee to see me once a year. well, and norwood and to eat their favorite beantown foodies too.

a must stop is boston's northend, the oldest neighborhood in boston with it's rich history & italian influence. history schmistory.. i know what they're most interested .
.. as pour moi, i decided the 90 degree sweat drenching day was best spent in the comforts of cool AC home...

see 4 yaself.

that's me! found my cozy spot for the day.

the rest of the group headed to the streets of the NorthEnd ...
with only one thing on their minds.

ze Pizza pie! not any pizzah.. nope this won't do

oops got a little sidetracked..

ahhhh. there it is! Pizza Regina- the best brick oven pizzah in boston.
G & g couldn't wait to get in line- which is suppose to be part of the fun!

30 minutes latah & 5 lbs lighter ...
at last, a table in the restaurant has opened.

Aunt Bee & grandpappy are all smiles now.
time to nom nom nom.. save me a slice pulleaz!

no leftovah boxes needed at this table. nom nom nom... chugalug.

after they stuffied themselves, guess what they saw..
a bunch of doggies coming out of the building across the street.

of course they had to check out the place- called the DOGFATHER.

The counter had jars & jars of doggie yummers.
Oooo get one of those, two of them,
& just get me the whole jar!

these doggies were full of themselfs..
a bunch of posers!

and beggars.
aunt bee's not going to fall for that?!

well.. she did manage to leave the store with some yummers for me & Norwood.

alright, next mission...

a bakery deal in progress.. first, money exchanges hands

go straight to the dealah

be discreet.. done deal!

at the end of the day, the hoomans didn't bring me back one pepperoni or one sausage.
not a crumb from a cannoli.

Nada. nothing!


no, but thanks aunt bee.
she's the only one who remembahd me.

maybe i'll move in with her & norwood.
yep that's what'll do!

off to get my suitcase.


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Raising Addie said...

Hi Tula!!

It looks like your special visitors had a wonderful time.

What is up with them not bringing you a little something?! Just a tiny taste of something would be better than nothing!

Maybe you should hide a little gift for them in the house... BOL!

Have a great Sunday!

Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

Asta said...

Youw decision to stay in the AC was wise..if it's anything like NYC wight now..yuck hoomid.
That section of town looks pawsome! I'd want to go to all those places if only they let doggies in..eveything looked scwumtious. I can't beleve they didn't bwing you samples of evewything.
I couldn't get into nowwoods bloggie today. Pleez give him my love
smoochie kisses

Sharon said...

I'd file a complaint with the local authorities Tula. That's just plain cruel and unjust punishment...especially after you just did so good on your dog-walking-sitting excursion on flickr! Give them the stare...you know the one that makes them feel really guilty. Then maybe you'll get an extra massage this month.
your pal,

Bruce said...

Looks like everybody had fun Tula. I'm sure you were much happier at home in the A/C anyway. You know what, I didn't get anything from California either, but just having Kevin, Sharon & the Boys back to the shop was gift enough for me! I'm not much for treats anyway...I just love a good head scratching! I'm sure just having g-ma & g-pa around is good enough for you!
your pal,

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Will you really leave home & move in with Norwood? Sometimes hoomans just get self-centered and forget about our little tummies. Your mommy will make it up to you I bet.
(Looked like they had loads of yummers.)
Lick your wounds and forgive friend.
XoXo, BabyRD & Hootie

Anya said...

Soooooooooooooooo many shots ;)
Nice to see your family Tula,
I can't see you had FUN :)

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Yow, shouldnta lookd at your pics before mealtime! Hungry hungry hungry... Can't believe they didn't bring you tons o stuff! Still, you do have a great life, girl!


Cezar and Léia said...

Oh Tula, your grandfather is adorable!I liked your cosy spot at home, it looks refreshing place to take a good nap!
I loved all pictures ( that food looks yummy but I prefer my cookies here! LOL ) and your Aunt Bee is adorable!
And of course you are always beautiful!
purrs and love
your friend

Dexter said...

Hey Tula, guess what?


She just figured out that you have a Boston accent. Sheesh!
