A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


eYewatch friday-balloon edition

Posted by with 15 comments

hi bloggies!

look up in the sky! it's a bird! it's a plane! huh, are those frosty cookies? no, no you won't believe who we saw! put your mince pies on our photos from last weekend's Hot Air Balloons festival. Norwood had some on his bloggie too. Ours were from a safe distance... the car!

eyewatch friday

(don't forget PetPride too)


take a closer look into one of them baskets... look who it is!

Bruce the cat!
Where you at?

BTC no wonder you're not blogging lately. we miss u... land soon!


pee esses: the largest hot air balloon festival in France was held last weekend too. More than 300 balloons took flight--tres magnificant! http://blog.flickr.net/en/2009/08/02/balloon-launch/

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15 WOO WOOs:

Bruce said...

You're the BEST Tula. Thanks for giving me a ride in the hot air baloon & Happy Eyewatch Friday!!
Your faithful cat friend,

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Up, up, and away! It sure would be fun to fly away in one of those colorful balloons. Or maybe it would be more fun to chase one!

Happy eYewatch Friday!


The Oceanside Animals said...

Bruce! Don't look down!

Anya said...

Oops its a great balloon :)
My Mommy was yesterday to the beach thats why we are late !!!!!
If you have time Tula
I have a surprise for you on my blog :)))))))))
Kareltje =^.^=

Agatha and Archie said...

Hmmmmmmm..maybe Arch could go up for a little ride?? Love A+A (only kidding)

Duke said...

How awesome to be able to see all of these gorgeous hot Aire balloons! We sure wish we could have!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...

I have never seen one of THOSE things before! That's realy neat. Wanna go to France together to check 'em out?


storyteller said...

How FUN (and colorful)! Molly thinks SHE might like a ride in that balloon ... maybe?
Hugs and blessings,

JD and Max said...

So THAT'S where Bruce went! Bet he had fun in that balloon, he he he! We hope he lands soon - we really miss him! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Anonymous said...

What cheerful photos! And even the dog is interested. (Mine is scared of the noise hot air balloons make...)

Sylvia K said...

Hey Tula, looks like fun, but I think I'd rather chase it than ride in it! But Mojo would probably love it, she's such a dare devil!

Your friends,

Sam Schnauzer and Mojo the Most

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello sweet Tula! Great collage and I agree with you I miss Bruce so much!
Thanks for so beautiful post!
Happy Pet Pride
purrs and love

Dianne said...

beautiful balloons!
and even more beautiful puppies
and of course Bruce is a favorite everwhere he goes

Eric said...

Ooooh so that's where Bruce is. Thought I saw him float past over the pee last weekend. The other non frenchie Hot Air balloons looked all ooolala too.

Hope Penny got a new home she looks a sweetie like you. Shame I can't bark the same about Nutty Norwood though of course I love that Mr B. xxx

T said...

How fun!! I have always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon!! Like floating with the clouds!