A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


Old family photos

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Hi bloggiepals,

I was ruffling through my closets & discovered old family photos. Good to remember my long past relatives-- and see just where my cookie face looks & sense of style comes from.

my great great auntie hula- 1954
she's workin them glasses & a tight curled bang. not a bad look.

great granny nula- 1960
cat eyed glasses- wonder where i can get a pair?

LULA (someonez cuzin)-1964
the beehive & bouffant furdo was BIG back then.
watchout the photo is still sticky with furspray.

Auntie Kuma 1970
Power to the people- Auntie Kuma always was a strong akita girl
with some strong, natural furdoos.

Peppah Monstah--1994
(distance relative related to my momma)

Peppah rocked the mic & gold trunk jewelry.

oh.. family photos say alot!
i think i'll stick with this look.

try it furself--or for your hoomans
(unless there's other things you'd rather do:)
it is labor day weekend & beautiful weather)


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25 WOO WOOs:

Anya said...

OMG Tula
I have never seen such a GREAT post
Your Mom or Dad had "FANTASY"
Very creative,
I love it ....
Thanks for the big SMILE ^___^

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Well, now we kow where you got your good looks Tula!!!

I'ts good to know you are up and waggin' it today!!

Bruce said...

Thanks for sharing your family photo album with us Tula! Looks like you come from a long line of very strong bitches. Now I can understand why you are so rebellious when it comes to your behavior...how dare those humans tell you how you should behave! Don't they know that you have ROOTS! Let's give the power back to the dogs...and cats too!
your pal,
p.s. am I starting trouble?
p.s.s. - also, I only used the word "bitches" cuz it means female dogs - don't want to get in trouble for that too!

Unknown said...

WHoa. did bruce say strong bitches?Bruce is trying to start something. .then backs away. hee hee.. now where did those droopy lips and webbed feet come from?

Sharon said...

Jesea did a bunch of these & it was so funny cuz she looked like my mother in one & my sister in another! Then she did another face swap app where she put her face onto a male body & she looked like her brother. Too fun!! Thanks for sharing!
love ya,

Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...


You are too funny! I personally like Peppah Monstah.


Scout and Freyja said...

What a lovely family you have!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Dog furs are timeless. Human furs, not so much.

Cezar and Léia said...

Oh Tula, what a fabulous post!Funny and so creative!
I love it!
purrs and love

Astrid Keel said...

Tula, what a super funny post! BOL! I have to agree with you that your hair is the best!

Sally said...

Great post - we see that your sense of style has evolved over the years - personally we prefer the modern look - but we admit the funky glasses add a certain 'je ne sais quoi'....

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

PS Hope your toes are feeling better

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey Tula, we'd like to wish your mum a happy birthday. We hope she had a great day.
We didn't realise you've been sick. We hope your better now.

Noah willow tess Lucy

Sharon said...

Happy Birthday Aunt Dee. Hope your and your sister have a Fabulous Day!
love ya,

Bruce said...

I wish you the happiest of birthdays EVER!! Hope you have a GREAT day!
love ya,
p.s. come to my blog & you'll see another b-day wish for you!

The Island Cats said...

We can see the family resemblance!!

Bruce told us it was your mom's birthday today! Hope she has a happy one!!

Anya said...

to Mommy :))))))))))

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Happy Birthday Fun Aunt Dee!!!

Golden Samantha said...

Hi Tula! Have seen your blog listing on others' sidebars and felt I must start following - today! And what a post! Spectacular and spectacularly funny! Just loved it and mom's doubled over!
Happy Birthday to your MOM!!!
Love xo

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Norwood told us about the BIG day!

Like Sammie, I've seen woo around but I don't think we've evfur met!

I hope woo make your mom's day a furry special one!


Confucius Cat said...

Happy Birthday to Tula's Mom...Hope you have a fantastic day. Purrs to you and Tula. Luved the family photos...especially the fro.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You have some pretty stylin relatives Tula..
Hey tell Mom Happy Birthday... Hope she likes Norwood's Layer cake..he he

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Duke said...

OMG, you have us in stitches, Tula! You are too funny!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Southbaygirl said...

happy birthday to Tula's mom, happy birthday to Tula's mom happy birthday to Tula's mom, happy birthday to you!!!!

Woof! Hope you had a pawesome day!!!



Cheyenne -Millie said...

That is great! We loves the photos! You have a good looking family!

T said...

LOL this just made me smile, big time.

Hugs and kisses Tula!