A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


An Ode 2 Fall

Posted by with 15 comments

Hi bloggiepals,

Fall is here! New England turns golden!
I'd like to perform a little poetry about my all-time favorite season--

dedicated to the leaf-peepers!

(eeeh eeh emmm)

Party party party!
bah bah bah bah bahbah!
Octobah is a party!
wishing everypal a great weekend--

(my apologies for not visiting too often..

mom goes in the horizontal position after work.

Makes it hard to wag by, might have to fire her.
does anyone know of a decent secretary?


Pee esses: Don't forget to Purr 4 Peace at 3 o'clock today on Twitter!

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15 WOO WOOs:

Unknown said...

You are a poet? Your talents have no end. I know the problem with your mom.. I think you have the same problem too.

Oh.. I have a leaf to peep. Gotta go.

Bruce said...

I knew you were a poet and didn't know it Tula! Thanks for the daily inspiration...now I think I'll go back to sleep.
your pal,

Sharon said...

Tula is that what they are teaching you in that Ruffians class...poetry? What's next, ballet? You would look good in a tutu! Happy Fall!
love ya,

Scout and Freyja said...

That is just the most wonderful of poems! And, with illustrations, too☺

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

I see a couple of careers in your future, Tula.

Public speaking?
poetry slams?

I miss fall, but not what's coming after...

Dexter said...

What a moving poem. I laughed, I cried, wonderful!

My mom goes horizontal a lot too. On weekends she is totally planning her naps as soon as she gets out of bed.


Cezar and Léia said...

Oh, it's autumn is so beautiful! Here nature hasn't decided yet about remaining green or changing to orange / red...
purrs and love

The Oceanside Animals said...

Happy Autumn!

Raising Addie said...

Oh Tula you are sooooo lucky to have fall trees to look at!!!

They are just beautiful!

Wonderful poem!

Keep them coming!

Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So much talent in those paws!!!


Southbaygirl said...

Hi Tula.....my mom goes horizontal after work too!!! Mom seems to like all the colorful leaf pictures!!! I don't understand! We just have brown here in southern california!!!

Woof Velcro

Anya said...

Do you like poetry tula hahaha.....
Thats funny ;)
We loved your new profile picture
its very CUTE
hugs from me
Kareltje =^.^=

Astrid Keel said...

Tula, I hear you about the bad secretaries... We need to have a hiring agency!

Kimberly said...

Hi Tula - I missed woo... I got a new lil sister her name is Samantha - her is 3/4 German Shepherd and 1/4 Akita.. :) ... She's alright fur a lil dog.. I'm learning to share and she's got a pee in the house problem BOL... mama is having a tough time keepin up wiff hers and Mama just was laid off her job so her's is sad

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Tula! Your monstah mash is awesome!!!