A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


Wordless Wednesday: 5am walkie

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12 WOO WOOs:

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm with woo!


Anya said...

Sleeeeeeeep well ...........

Dexter said...

Uck! What is with this getting up while it is still nighttime? Momma has to wake me up for breakfast now. I think pee-wee must have an alarm clock inside of him because he gets up early no matter what.


Noah the Airedale said...

Nice and early just like us lol.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

must not be 5am yet, I don't see any walking going on...

Astrid Keel said...

Holy moly... my momster and daddy were still snoring up a storm around 5 AM... you rock, you early riser!

The Oceanside Animals said...

5AM what now?

Bruce said...

Since my baby left me,
I found a new place to dwell
Down at the end of lonely street at heartbreak hotel
I get so lonely baby
I get so lonely,
I get so lonely I could die

Stop singing that song now Tula...you're making me sad!
your pal,

Eric said...

Sweet dreams...better make em short ones if you only sleep half a night...

Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxx

Duke said...

We're up at that hour too, Tula, but no walkies until 7AM. We gotta have our breakie first!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That is an interesting photo... kind of sad and pensive... yet hopeful!

T said...

I really like this photo Tula! You look very peaceful!

Love ya pretty girl!