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1:31:00 AM
19 WOO WOOs:
I bet Mango RH has already khommenced drooling!
There's some drool action happening there matie.
Noah x
Holy drool, Batman!
Adorable slobbers! You keep working on that.
Tula, there's such a thing as photoshop you know....just sayin'
Ladies don't drool monstah! Oh you are not ladie!
oh.. was it huh 40 degrees out and hot or something?
wow! almost as good a slobber as the RH mango....
the gentelleader has the same colour as the sky!!!
El'bow & Hauwii
oh man.. drool connected to the head harness? That's just too funny, Tula!
Marge had a slinger on her BACK yesterday.. I wish I knew how it got there.
Awesome profile pictures of your droolie lippers, Tula!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Tula, thanks for dropping by to visit. You're looking good with that special drool. That's pretty cool the way it attached itself.
Good profile shot. Good looking lips.
Ernie, Sasha, Chica
Hi it's me - Ernie, Sasha, Chica's Mom,
I just read the sidebar about reactive behavior. I really think that may be what Ernie had to a great extent when we first got him and what Chica sometimes does now that we have her. I thought is may be aggression or trying to protect me but what I read makes sense. Thank you. I will be checking into it more. Thanks Barb
You and Mango make quite the drooling pair:) Mom keeps threatening Ciara that she is going to start wearing a Gentle Leader if she doesn't stop pulling. Maybe you can give her some pointers.
Happy Friday.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Those are some mad lip skilz all right!
I'll pretend I didn't see that Tula. You're still a lady to me!
your cat pal,
Lookin' good, Tula!
Penny & Patches
Ohhhhh we have to go try that RIGHT NOW!!!!!! Love A+A
Monty needs one of those! He gets real excited around other dogs and is uncontrollable! Drool is ok on you!
Very nice photos! You look very striking in that colour of blue.
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