A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


meditating in progress

Posted by with 17 comments
today's the start of 'summah school'-- ruffian dog training class. kinduv nervous ..it's back to class with an old instructor. haven't seen Paul in ovah a year & 1/2. thought i should do a little quick studying before class. of course i turned to the animal planet. there must be something on about dog training.

all of this has got me nervous.

maybe some deep meditation (got the idea from our pal, Mango) will help. he's a deep thinker & thought, hey look what it's done for him..

After class, time to drop off birfday gifts to our goofball cuzin, Norwood. He is officially in his terrible twos.

Here's a clue it's green, hops, & makes him coocoo.
hope he likes it!

Be sure to sniff ovah
to other furripals


cya latah,

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17 WOO WOOs:

Anya said...

Hi Tula
I think
you have now the time to relaxxx......
Take care the house is yours :)

Kareltje =^.^=

Agatha and Archie said...

Ahhhh mediation............Don't be nervous for school We think you should get the Clifs Notes..Love A+A

Unknown said...

Hi monstah!
I already talked to paul your teacher! He's ready 4 u! He said i can stay to watch since my class is right before.. I can cheer u in?!!

Hmm geen and hopping present???? I can't wait 2 see it!
Toodles or ribbet

Duke said...

We're sure you'll ace this summer school thing, Tula! You're a smart girl!
Norwood is just going to love his birthday pressie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

Don't be newvous, I'm suwe you'll do well. The meditating is a good idea!

Have a gweat time at Nowwoods Biwfday pawty! He'll love the gween gift
smoochie kisses

Sharon said...

You look about as ambitious as me today! Let's go back to sleep O.K? Play hooky and just go back to sleep.
your cat pal,

Bruce said...

oops...i just did it again...I posted as Sharon by mistake...that last comment was really from me, Bruce...we better not let Sharon drink any more beer!
this is really your cat pal this time,

Sharon said...

Yeah Tula you must think I'm pretty silly saying that I am your cat pal! That's what the hot sun & a nice cold one with do to a human brain. Let that be a lesson to you.
your human friend,

magiceye said...

hey tula! meditation is good. it confuses the humans ;) they can't make out if we are sleeping or not!
am sure you will enjoy school! its fun to meet so many others there!


Pet Pride

Southbaygirl said...

how was your doggie class???? I think meditation is a good idea-i do alot of it!



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hi Tula and thanks for stopping by our blog. We didn't know Norwood had such a sweet cousin. We know he will just love your present.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

The Oceanside Animals said...

Ohm ... Ohm ... Ohm ... Ampere ... Ohm ...

Dexter said...

Hey Tula,
Good luck with that doggie school. Momma has not been training me as well now that you are not spying on us. She even got grouchy with me this morning and said something about the pinch collar coming back tomorrow. Uh oh.


Bruce said...

Glad you got a kick out of me & sharon switching places and getting all mixed up about our identities...we aim to please and entertain. Too bad it's not friday cuz then we could have used the freaky friday excuse! Thanks for the visit.
love ya,
bruce & sharon:)

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Hm, summah school?? Are they going to train you to be a ruffian?! If so, that could be fun! :)

Seriously, just relax and have fun--we know you'll do great!


Anya said...

I am all checked everything was okay.
I was just fainted and ended up wrong.
I am now equipped because I've slept a lot.
I have a part of my face blue with a little yellow ;(
Thanks for all the kind words :)
Anya :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! your website have the great information about meditatin
.I'm sure I will be back again.