A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


adventure on the cape

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crab-97 Hi bloggies!cc

Whew.. took a day trip to the Cape-- West Falmouth. it was the perfect summah day in the 80s, fresh sea breeze, silky sand and time to surprize my Wildob pals--in the sand dunes! hope they're home!

gosh, couldn't of had a bettah day...
life is a day at the cape.
can we go back tomorrow?

Ok, gotta row ovah to the other Camera Critters!


Have a WROOnderful week,

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12 WOO WOOs:

Anya said...

I will give you a push Tula,
have a nice swim time .... LOL
You are on adventure thats wonderful :)
And so many lovely cartoons,
it makes me smile !!!!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Going to the cape for just one day is like someone only giving you 1 treat... better than none, but...

DANG!!! I am homesick all over again!!!

Sharon said...

Wow, what a wonderful adventure Tula, but come on, why didn't you show us the picture of you with your bathing suit on?
your friend,
still at the track in monterey & just got access to the internet!
The boys are working hard so don't tell them that I'm playing on the computer...they think I'm looking up the air conditioner repairman!

Duke said...

Our trip to the Cape is coming up very soon and you've got us all excited, Tula!
We get to ride the ferry from Hyannis to Nantucket! whoooooohooooooo- we can't wait!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Oceanside Animals said...

Whoa! That crab's a little bit ...... crabby.

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Ah, the Cape... so beautiful up there--and very fun. You look right at home, Tula! Do you really not like the water? We think you'd look great on the deck of one of those big ships! (Though we'd rather eat that crab.)


Southbaygirl said...

Tula...did you get to play in the water and play with Mr crab???? Is he like my friend Mr Squirrel?

I hope you had a really nice time!!



Princess Patches said...

Sounds like you had a really great day, Tula! Your adventures always make us smile!

Poppy, Penny & Patchesb

Confucius Cat said...

What a great time you had. The cape looks great. You have such a fun web site.

Eric said...

LOved visiting the cape with you, such a pretty place. Did you get your pawdicure with buttah? Now next time you go how about Sunset orange polish for your toe toes? And take some mayo and a couple of slices of bread ready for the crab.Look for sand dollars too. You might wind up a millionaire. A smelly one too - pawfect!

Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxx

Agatha and Archie said...

Well what a perfect day!!! AND IT DIDN"T RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love your pals A+A

Christina, Sweden said...

grest photos and I like the idea with the story in them