A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


Wordless Wednesday

Posted by with 12 comments
Happy Wordless Wednesday:

what's summer without your buggiepals....

somewhat entertaining too!

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12 WOO WOOs:

Elizabeth Bergesen said...

You are so cute Tula!

Sharon said...

Perk up Tula...summer's almost over! I like your new friends!
p.s. we're leaving town early tomorrow morning...I'll try to keep up on your blog if I can:)

Bruce said...

Tula, you look about as excited as I do! Is it a blue wednesday?
your cat pal,

DogsDeserveFreedom said...

Very cute :)


Agatha and Archie said...

Get out your bathing suit..it's going to be a scorcher today!!!!!!!! Love A+A

Anya said...


hugs Kareltje =^.^=

Dexter said...

It is too hot!!!!


The Oceanside Animals said...

Depends on the buggies ... I left behind plenty of buggiepals in New York and I don't miss them a bit! ;-)

Duke said...

Bugs are not pals of mine, Tula - they're annoying!

Yer friend,

Eric said...

Crickey watch those bad bugs don't bite...

Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxxx

Unknown said...

still staring at those bugs! snap out of it.

T said...

Oh aren't you just the prettiest girl ever!!