A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


ahh! morning naptime

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hi bloggies,
assume the daily position!
mom shakes her head wondering why out of my 4 doggie beds,
i choose to do this?!

i find it cozy and private..
you can't see me right?

hit snooze...

catch up w/ ya latah,

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The Oceanside Animals said...

ZZzzzzzZZzzzzzzzzz ...

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

It's perfectly clear to me, Tula. You don't miss a thing (great view), and remain hidden... silly mom...

Southbaygirl said...

Tula....I don't sleep in all the beds mom has bought for me either!!!



Duke said...

It kinda looks like all of that stuff is stacked on your body, Tula! It took us a minute to realize that you're under a glass table! hehehe

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sharon said...

I think it's a great place for you Tula. It's almost like you are a store front display! Bruce likes to pick strange places to sleep too. One of his favorites is on his super scratcher...not the most comfortable place, but he likes it!
Have a great day snoozing!
your friend,

Eric said...

Ahhhh crazy and cute Tula. The pawfect combination. Catch those zzzzzzzzzeds.

Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxx

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

We're glad we can see you because we like your face! :) You're very clever to have your privacy while being able to keep a lookout!

BTW, how's ruffian school going?


magiceye said...

hehehe beds are where we sleep!


Pet Pride