hey there bloggiepals,
Oh good, you've slimed your way back to find out the answers to tula's best googly eyes featured in yestahday's eYewatch challenge!

yes, yes it was hard to identify the others.
so..drum roll pulleaze.....

(big birthday wishes to his brother, Jackson!)
Norwood put some googlies on his mommie.
(he's a pro at that)
Bell has natural googlies. (so pretty bellgirl)
Lucia googlies it up for her pictures.
(although her mommie drew horns on her that day-- but that's all in the past.)
she just turned one years old!
Bruce the Cat uses his googlies in hunting lizards & on his patrol watch.
he also brings them out on Kevin, his best mancat friend in the whole world.
Ozball was straight up born with the googlies- except when he's sleeping, of course.
then... got to mention my googly eyed nemesis, who interrupt my bloggie all the time. duckie & swan. therah, i said it.

2 mentally prepare for rowdy class today @ 11:30.
must not be rowdy. must not be rowdy. must not be rowdy.
other dogs are ok. other dogs are ok.

8:56:00 AM
Oh ya awesome googlie eyes.. We love it..
You have a great weekend..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Thanks for listing me as one of the best googly eyes around town...that's quite a compliment! When are we having the Tula Tongue Contest? That would be a good one...I'll have to work on a badge for that one...after today, it won't be so crazy around here....coo coo and that's not like a dove, that's like I'm going crazy!!
from your good cat pal,
Drats. Cast my mince pies over your contest too late. How did the rowdy class go Tula. Did you sow up with your new make over look?
Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxxx
I have googly eyes? I do? Not sure I should be in that line up.
Bummer! We missed guessing! We'll have to be earlier next week!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
well I recognized Bruce of course! ;)
Beautiful and cool post dear Tula!
purrs and love
Great googlie eyes were had by all!!
Hope your weekend is fab.
BabyRD & Hootie
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