A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


Wordless Wednesday & Award

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got snouter?

An Award from my new bloggiepal, Belle!
Belle girl is a wild & crazy beach-going Weimaraner.
That's her in the polariod with all that tongue! Visiting her bloggie is like a day at the beach with a kazooollions of DOGGIES! Go sniff it out yourself...i must warn you, you will be one tired four-legged afterwards.
Awesome Dogs @ OB Dog Beach

Belle likes my bloggie and honored me with this cute Ladybug Award. Now it's my turn to choose 10 of my favorite blogs--a furrrry difficult task! Everybloggie deserves this.. but, thought i'd give it a shot.

Norwood- my goofball cuzin..!
Bruce the Cat - is the coolest catpal- luvin' ManCat Mondays & his patrols around the shop.
KARELTJE- is my newest kittyfurriend..who knows how to hang!
Velcro- is my furriend in SoCal.. burning it up with herding the sheep sheeps.
Agatha & Archie- how could you NOT include these two- enough barked.
The Clampets--these two bandana wearin' pups, Ernie & Sasha's go on the best cabin adventures.
Pet Pride- Bozo shares his blog so pets can bark outloud & be proud!
Tracing Lucky Skies-- gotta luv a pack of doggies!
Asta's World- is the sweetest girl with mucho NY style & always looking out for her pals.
Maggie & Mitch- eat THE best food- mango ice cream, yummy pizza on top of their dinnahs.

Got a YIPPEE? yes i do... a BIG ladeebug YIPEE TO everybloggie!
okaayy.. too many words 4 a wordless wednesday.... i'll zip it.!


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10 WOO WOOs:

Bruce said...

Yippeeee to you too Tula! Congratulations on your award and thank you for passing it on to me & thank you again for putting my poser shot on your blog...I am so honored!
Have a great one...better get sharon off to work now cuz she is REALLY late today...hope kevin doesn't yell at her too much....(we know he would never do that though)
love ya,
Bruce & Sharon:)

Agatha and Archie said...

Well thank you soooo much for the wonderfull award!! PL2 has a special place in her heart for ladybugs!!!!! Gee have you looked outside?? RAIN RAIN RAIN..oh what a surprise.....Love and kisses A+A PS One day you will have to tell us all your football stories!!!! For Boston For Boston....Love again A+A

The Oceanside Animals said...

Congratulations on your lovely ladybug, Tula!

Amber-Mae said...

Love those pictures!

Please come over to my blog & vote for the short film I acted in called FLASHES!!!! Thank you!

"Famous" Solid Gold Actress

Duke said...

OMG, we are blown away! Thank you so much for choosing us, Tula! Mom and dad are going into New Haven tomorrow for pizza and guess who won't be going with them?? US! Is that unfair or what?!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

What a sweetie you awe
Thank you fow that faboolous awawd!!
and the nice stuff you said about me..blush,blush.
Congwatulations to you on youw awawd and pleez know I think you'we wondewful
smoochie kisses

Suzuki said...

Congratulationson your award Tula :)
Big licks to you

magiceye said...

hey tula! thank yous so much for the award!

Pet Pride

Unknown said...

What do u mean got bananas.. you go bananas over cookies!!!

I love the ladybug award. I wonder if I can share with mr. peepers. He likes ladybugs


Anya said...

Congratulations TULA
And many thanks that you think on me ( I am so Happy to receive a award from you)
Miauwwwww mouww miauwww......
My Mommy had rested a few days sorry I am so late ( we had a few days no blogging ;)
You are the first we are visiting:)
Thanks my friend ^___^

(I hope she starts with blogging this weekend, I am missing all my friends ;)

HUGS & Love
Kareltje =^.^=