A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


Training Blog#12: doing it right

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hi bloggiepals,

the last time i wrote in my training bloggies, it was time for celebration. yep, with a big exhale, i became an official alumni of the ruffian class.  Whew.. except no no no, there is no break in my lifelong training plan. my behaviorist, Dr. D'arpino from the ARL of Boston recommended more exposure to non-reactive dogs so i learn proper social skills & body language. mom went ahead and talked the instructor into mixing his obedience class aka Good Dog Class with both ruffian alumni and regular/non-reactive doggies.   (funny, Norwood's in the class...i'll be learning from his goofy self..humph)

Good Dog 201 class means no barriers, complete visual exposure and a variety of doggies coming each week. But i'm doing it..doing it, doing it right (song by ll cool j) no grrs grrrs from me- well, maybe on rare occasion when the little white jumping pom pomerian is near me.  (can you really take the junkyard out of a girl completely!) otherwise, nope- no problems watching other doggies,  or walking with all 5 +me on the floor at the same time.   in fact it's furry entertaining.. 

truthfully, the only problem is .. this class requires mucho energy! Paul's got me walking fast, slow, heel, down, sit, turn, and now he wants us to perform tricks to show how  my behavior can shaped.  i mean, i get pooped.  What do i hear?  a shout out from Paul saying, "tula is your emergency brake still on?? or Hey, Flash!" I thought he understood when he told the class you can't teach speed. But, then yesterday, he specifically eyeballed me when he said 'work on speed!" which is it? pugeepers.

At the end of class, i let out a big Wroo Wrooooo. It's hard to watch everyone leave:(  then mom tries to walk me after the hour of non-stop do this- do that... at some point I have to call the shots.

Here I'll show you.. (try to keep your bearings AND keep up-ha!)

(Notice my tactics: whenever i don't want to walk too far or in a direction... 
simply stop & look where i want to go. 
Works everytime! who's the boss of who?!)

being a good dog is exhausting!

This is such a sad time in the DWB community
please take good care of yourselves- especially
those who lost a special furry family member:)

kissies & hugs,

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13 WOO WOOs:

Dexter said...

Tula! I threw up a little watching your mom's weirdo Blair witch camera techniques. Ish.

That school sounds exhausting! All that action and a walkie too? You poor monstah!


bbes tribe said...

Tula! Whoooo you look furry tired after that class.... They rfeally make you work huh? Looked like you were in charge of the speed on your walk. A little rest after the hard work of the class.
Ernie, Sasha, Chica

Cezar and Léia said...

My adorable, fashion, cute, charming,intelligent friend!
You really know what to do in your walks.
*** by the way mommy is always good with her camera, great video! :)
I think she has an adorable voice. As you know we cats can hear much better than humans and I enjoyed a lot her beautiful voice saying "Tula...stop". :)

So nice to see you outside without rain!
Here when I woke up early morning today, everything was white again outside.Oh girl...I want SPRING!
Stay warm!
purrs and love
Luna - We love Luna

The Oceanside Animals said...

Every trip requires a navigator!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Woo Hoo - we saw Norwood doing froggie legs:))) And you did very well sitting so nicely, Tula. Mom wants to know if she can borrow you to teach Phantom how to walk slowly?

Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Bruce said...

I'm so proud of you Tula that I'm about to bust...oh, maybe that's because I like to eat...no, seriously, you're the best Tula!
Love ya,

Sam said...

Wow Tula, you're doing wonderfully. Marge's reactivity issues are not as bad as yours, but I know how hard it can be to deal with. You sound like you're in the best of hand. I love reading about your progress!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Tula, you have the right idea...stop and smell the roses and anything else you want!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So much to khomment about!

Norwood's froggy legs...

You persuasive walk powers...

The furry nice Berner...

My mom laughing at how long I'd STAY is a situation like THAT...

PeeEssWoo: Funny Mango would khomment about the BLAIR witch khamera style!

D.K. Wall said...

Very artistic video! Almost like our hu-dads picture today.

Agatha and Archie said...

Welll I guess if reactive dogs couldn't be in that class...THAT RULES US RIGHT OUT????!!!!!! hee hee...WELL WHAT IS A REACTIVE KID TO DO???sorry that was our reactiveness coming out.....Love and a thousand reactive kisses (ARCHIE ENOUGH ALREADY) A+A

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Hey Tulagirl we saw our mommy standing on her head trying to watch your video! Good work,cuz she needs the workout.BOL. We don't really understand all this training talk you do, but it sounds like work to us. Hope they are at least giving you minimum wage!
BabyRD and Hootie

Daisy Dog said...

Sounds like an awsome class!! Mom wishes there were more types of classes here. I don't like other dogs sometimes too.