A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


Valentine's SOS

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Smiley from millan.net Hello my valentine bloggiepals,

If you've stopped by my goofy cuzin's bloggie, you know his mommie put him in lockdown, well camp to go off to Arizona for the week. Since Tuesday!  Great.
(one thang you never do.. is keep him contained for any lengthy time-eesh)

but anyways..
I don't know who let him have a cell phone in jail but, i kept getting these strange messages like the ones below:


 that was on Tuesday! Day UNO!

Day TWO! i pretended like i didn't get it
wait, there were more..


then he tried bribery..

what am i suppose to do? i can't drive..so i texted him back.

 thank godness he'll be out 2day- especially for valentine's day!
everyone needs to give smoochies & hugs to someone..
 Smiley from millan.net

that's just what i did.


i had to show luv to the sun.

i couldn't leave mistah banana out.
all this luv became a bit much..
i need to save sum for my bloggiepals!

Smiley from millan.net

Smiley from millan.net

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15 WOO WOOs:

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Poooooor goofballs! We sure have missed him since he's been down. Cell phones aren't generally allowed in prison. I hope he doesn't get more time added on to his sentance!

Happy Valentines day, Tula!

Agatha and Archie said...

Happy Valentines Day Darling girl..We TOLD him to call on Aggies cell and we would break him out,I mean take him out for a drive..Archie stole I mean borrowed the car keys JUST for that reason( so we went shopping instead) Love A+A

Bruce said...

So glad that Norwood's Mommie is coming home today. Let's start celebrating now! Yippee! Hip Hip Hurrah! Happy Valentine's Day!
love ya,

Dexter said...

Hey Monstah! Thanks for the valentine. Smoochie kisses.


Southbaygirl said...

Poor Norwood!!! But he'll be out of jail soon!

Tula, happy valentines Day-my mommy doesn't like this day so I didn't get anything but big smooches! Well, she did take me to the beach to play yesterday!!

I've missed talking to you-mom and her stoopid job!!



D.K. Wall said...

Should we feel more sorry for Norwood or everyone working at camp? Just saying.

Happy Valentines Day.

Daisy Dog said...

Oh yes Valentines Day is for smoochers and love bugs. Well maybe he will get out just in time!

Kapitein Haakje said...

Great toy!!!!

happy valentines day!
El'bow & Hauwii

The Oceanside Animals said...

It's rough having a relative in stir!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Awww, Tula, you really know how to show some love.

We hope Norwood is home and happy again.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Next time woo text him, tell him to make sure he sees my Friday post (2/12) -

I bet he jumps out of his fur!

Happy Valentine's Day to WOO two!


Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Happy Valentine's Day, cookie face! You definitely have the looks for this occasion--irresistible! Especially when you've got the sun in your jaws! :)


Life With Dogs said...

Something tells me you have plenty to go around! :)
I hope you didn't text while driving! :)

Eric said...

Hey Tula! Thank dog Norwoods outta that place he needs to go collect his froggie valentines...

Wiry love Eric xxx

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We hope that Norwood gets to go home!

We thinks that text messaging is a furry hard thing to do! You are very good at it!

Happy Valentines Day!!