A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


Stop Horsing Around & Friendly Award

Posted by with 11 comments
Oh New England Farms pop up in the most random places (so not like Brooklyn at all). There happens to be a farm in the town of Northborough, MA., right across the street from one of my fav parks. It's a must to stop by my four legged horsey friends.

So I thought....for some reason, they stare, every one of them! and scruff their hooves from a distance. I take it as a hello. Funny how noone comes ovah... maybe the electric fencing has somethang to do with it. I stare back and scruff my toes toes right back at ya!

Hay hay horsies, (thought I'd break the ice with a joke) When does a horse neigh?Whinny wants to!.. hehehehehe. Nothing!

Alright, onward and upward...

That's when I heard all the chattering.. hey tula, where's your saddle? neiiigh neeigh snort snort. -- That's just not right--

il mio amico dolce (my sweet friend) , Lucia! gave me this Friendly Award. Grazie si! Lucia... you could nevah have enough furriends like you.

Now it's my turn to pass it along to my waggin' furriends:

Norwood, yes he's my cuzin --did you know he leaves cookies on mom's car for me every day!(and refers to me as cookie monstah).

Ozball: who always stops by and has taught me a few yoga moves. I am kinda bendy.

Archie & Agatha: thanks for looking out for this new kid on the bloggie!

Sally & Eric: who gave me very useful beauty tips. Grazie!

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11 WOO WOOs:

Asta said...

I think youw joke was much funniew than the howsies..(you dont look like you need a saddle at all..what a gweat place fow you to be able to explowe..fawms awe bettew fow wunning awound than Bwooklyn
smoochie kisses

Unknown said...

my favorite cookie monstah! Tell us another joke.. I agree with Asta. That was funny.

I can't believe I get this nice award.
Kiss kiss

Anonymous said...

BOL Nice horse jokes :D
Gruffs from the Scruff

Suzuki said...

Furry funny :)
Big licks to you

Elizabeth Bergesen said...

Hi Tula, love your pictures!

Duke said...

What a beautiful spot, Tula!
Congratulations on your award!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Eric said...

Hahaaa Tula! You are funny. I love the look of the farm not so sure I like the winnies of those rude horses.

Thanks a squillion for the award Tula. I'm wagging proud to be you friend.

Is that a calming band you're wearing Tula? Does it help you?

Wiry wags, Eric xx

Pee S Wished Norwood lived by me and left me cookie every day :)

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh horsies look like so much fun. Mom wants one. She thinks it would make our walks a bit more energetic.. You think she wants to wear us out?

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Amber-Mae said...

Hey Tula! That was quite a funny joke. You need to tell more!

Belly jiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...

Wow! That looks like a cool farm!Thank you sooo much for the award Tula! I will diplay it proudly.


Dexter said...

I HATE THAT! You know how many times I have heard "put a saddle on that thing" or similar? Its enough to give a guy a complex.
