cookies, luv & being sassy
Wroo woo bloggiepals..
Just call me Tula 'the always late' Monstah--
I received these furry special awards awhile ago from my bestest bloggiepals. MWUAAAAH go out to Bruce the Cat, Dennis the Vi…Read More
barkouts 2 stumpy & khyrahi bloggiepals,
this post is a barkout 2 some great pals of mine.
remembah, awhile ago Stumpy, Alfie & Fenway- the crew from Dirtville held a Khatch it fur Khyra Khontest to recognize her efforts …Read More
tula cartoons: dreaming
hi bloggiepals,
Bruce the cat told me it was time to get my head outta the snow. bruce is right.. he's always right. that's why he's such a great pal! anywroo.. trying my paw at animations. let…Read More
Meet Penny, the Schipperke [Mix]ok, got another one for ya. meet Penny penny bo penny-- banana banna bo penny-- pee pie po pen-nie.. Penny! Julie, my massage therapist asked to interrupt my bloggie for a special Bark Out! Of course…Read More
Libby (wolf) 13 yr old Black lab/chow
Jazze (little juzze girl)
12 yr old Akita/chow
Rescues after the Wolfpack:
Kiki-masho7 yr old Akita/Husky
Hazel (nut nut) OLD! Black Lab/Akita