A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


Wordless Wednesdays: the Ultimate Challenge

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Smiley from millan.net

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15 WOO WOOs:

Anya said...

I cannot look at the video
it don't work :(

Hugs K. =^.^=

Dexter said...

Tula! WTF! Share the bloody video! I want to see your butt in action.


Bruce said...

Technical difficulties...says this is a private video & won't let me see!
your cat pal,

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

^ what they said

Dexter said...

TULA! I had to freeze frame! Your recall was so fast! You were just a big old white bottomed blur. Great job.


T said...

Aw, super job Tula!!! I know how tempting that was, but you resisted!!! WooHoo!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


PeeEssWoo: I knew he'd be all ovFUR your butt!

Duke said...

Great job, Tula! No way could we have resisted treats!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

D.K. Wall said...

We would have been so in the cookie jar. Just saying.

Munch munch munch. Sure dad, be right there. As soon as the jar is empty.

Life With Dogs said...

You're fast!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, Tula, we are IMPRESSED!!! Mom says Phantom would do it because he is not food-oriented at all, but not TD and Ciara, that cookie jar would be so empty:)

Great job!

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The Oceanside Animals said...

Nice recovery, Tula! Way to resist temptation!

Duke said...

We've havin' pizza for dindin tonight, Tula! Wanna come over? It's going to be onion on half and BACON on the other half!
See ya later!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You are a good girl Tula! Monty here would find those treats fast! But Missy Reye would find them even faster!

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Outstanding indeed! Though we have to say you're much more interesting than to be compared to a golf shot! Haha! Oh, and cookies... that's hardly fair, but you did great!

Also, may we add that you look very fit?! You go, girl!