A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


eYewatch friday & awesome game

Posted by with 12 comments

it's friday already! & sadly the last friday of my summah vacation.
well, mom's vacation. i don't have a j-o-b..

my relentlessly huge mango pal wanted me to give Dexter & his momma
aheads up-:) see my mom drives thru their neighborhood on the way to work.

sometimes she even sees Dex walking-slash-training with his momma.
kinda like spying but not spying... yep in deedie.
that's all i'm going to say. zip!


and my bestestpal, Bruce the cat tagged me to play a game called:


gosh bruce, thanks! i'm flattered.
here it goes...

#1 i think my prettiest feature are my brown mince pies..
and a bettah to see you with!

#2 I nevah leave the house without a touch of pink & style.

#3 I try to help out the new kids in class.
Some are more cooperative than othahs.

#4 finding a good sleeping spot is no problemo.

#5 i provide security inspections when friends & family are on vacation.
(for free)

#6 i like to tell jokes with my pals.
#7 i fall in luv easily.
see- googlie eyes written all over my faceballs.

no shame in my game.

now any bloggie can play the "I'm Awesome" game
i'm suppose to tag 7 bloggies

Agatha & Arch
Raising Addie
the Clampets
Theo & Tuchuck & crew


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12 WOO WOOs:

Bruce said...

You ARE a most AWESOME doggie Tula, even though sometimes you morph yourself into a great white shark, which is rather scary to a sweet little kitty cat like me (ha ha). Thanks for playing the awesome game and thanks for showing us some of your awesome qualities. Enjoy the weekend with your mom before she has to go back to school on Monday...boo hoo! Happy Eyewatching Friday too!
love ya,

Bruce said...

oh yea...I forgot that I'm still under your hypnotic spell...I'll have the rest of your order sent right over:)

Dexter said...

Momma says thanks for the warning. She has become most lazy of late and sometimes doesn't even start walkies until after 7:30! Imagine! She and Pee-Wee better either find a new route or shape up. You let us know what you see.

For some reason that upside down photo of you makes me laugh. I mean its just you, upside down, right? But it is so funny!!!


P.S. Does your mom work at a school in my home town of Framingham or just drive through?

Anya said...

Hi my sweetie
Yes I now you are AWESOME
Thats the reason you are my best girlfriend ...... LOL
Amazing shots and cartoons
your Mommy or Daddy is very talented :)
hugs to you
Kareltje =^.^=

Astrid Keel said...

Tula, you are super awesome! I love love love that last photo.

Thanks for visiting my bloggy - can't wait to get to know you better!

The Oceanside Animals said...

You're definitely awesome, Tula -- you've got style!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You really are awesome! That last photo is real nice! Your eyes are so expressive!

Raising Addie said...

Hello Tula!!

What a great list!! Our favorite is #7 and your ability to find great places to sleep. Just the sweetest pictures!

Thank you for tagging us! We will get to work.

Have a great weekend!

Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...

You sure are definately awesomer than most pups. I DO like you googlie eyes(don't tell Khady Lynn). I know I am awesome too. Thanks for reminding me and feel free to tell me whenever you want to.

Toodles Tula,


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Tula you are one awesome pup. We love you with the flowers..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Sharon said...

You are AWESOME indeed Tula! You also have an AWESOME Mom who loves you a whole bunch!! Have fun on her last day of Summer Vacation!
your friend,
p.s. thanks for the comment on my turkey vulture...I just posted a couple of photos of the gators I saw yesterday.

Southbaygirl said...

I'll have to get mom going on the "I'm awesome" game....thanks Tula!!! I liked your game!

