eYewatch FrIday: all jokes til someone gets hurt
hi bloggiepals!
woot woot- it's a three day holiday weekend. the weather couldn't be nicer!
so come'on put my gentle leader on & let's go for my walkies. oh yeah, better wear your sn…Read More
WORKING DOGS? HuH?hi bloggiepals,yeppers, got a peemail (eeuuu) from THE MANGO himself.. wasn't sure what it said at first. well, let's say-- he needs a little 'tutoring' on his writing skills.at first, i thought he w…Read More
eYewatch friday & awesome gameit's friday already! & sadly the last friday of my summah vacation.well, mom's vacation. i don't have a j-o-b.. my relentlessly huge mango pal wanted me to give Dexter & his mommaaheads up-:) …Read More
eYewatch friday: bbbbruce?bbbbbruce??? pppppickles?? is that you with your scury face?Ok.. on the count of 3 and nothing will be therah. 1...2.. 2 1/2...SPPPOOOKY eYewatch Frriiiday! tulapeesses: wag by bruce's blog to see hi…Read More
Tula you know how to make that monster go away?...blast him! You know, with that secret weapon that all dogs have that can empty a room instantly! good luck, Sharon:)
Libby (wolf) 13 yr old Black lab/chow
Jazze (little juzze girl)
12 yr old Akita/chow
Rescues after the Wolfpack:
Kiki-masho7 yr old Akita/Husky
Hazel (nut nut) OLD! Black Lab/Akita
10 WOO WOOs:
Sorry Tula...it's not us...you'd better RUN!!!
love ya,
Tula you know how to make that monster go away?...blast him! You know, with that secret weapon that all dogs have that can empty a room instantly!
good luck,
Supah scary! Run away!
I thought those eyes could not be seen in mirrors?
Almost as skhary as a khat - HA!
Holy Shmoley, Tula!!! RUUUUUUN!!!!!
hello tula its dennis the vizsla dog hay i -- aiiieeee!!! wot the hek is that thing in the bak seet?!?!?!? run away run away run away!!!!!!!!! ok bye
Ooooo, that is skeery! We is gonna be PURRayin' fur you!
I be knowin' ye're busy Tula but I had to come over & wish ye a hearty ahoy on speak like a scurvy pirate day!
ye matey,
bruce th' lizard slayer
Holy Moley, Tula! That is one scary set of eyeballs! Shouldn't you get the heck out of there?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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