A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


saturday morning funnies: yeah ok

Posted by with 15 comments
hi bloggiepals, yah..jokes on me.hahaha.
ok, whoevah did this ..

rainy day or not,

bettah sleep with one pie open.

bruce the cat wouldn't do somethang like this.
or stumpy or ozball or dexter or kareltje.. i could go on...

i am thinking his name could
start with an N.
not sure not sure.
i'll get to the bottom of this!

but, after my umpteenth time at ruffian class,

guess i should save all this rowdiness for my pals at class today.


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15 WOO WOOs:

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Tula, at least you won't need toothpicks to stay awake!

Golden Samantha said...

Heehee! hope you get those eyes unscrewed soon BOL!!!
Hugs xo

Cezar and Léia said...

You still look cute with these funny eyes... :)
purrs and love

Bruce said...

Oh boy did I ever need this laugh Tula...you've made my day!
love your silliness!
your pal,

Sharon said...

Thank you Tula cuz you made me smile too...real big and I even laughed & giggled & got happy cuz of your silly face, so thank you very much my friend!
love ya,

Anya said...

OMG my sweetie Tula
you are looking so SILLY
Are you feeling well today??????
Your eYes are so @&@&@&@&...
I wish I could visit you
and give you a BIG BIG huggie
I hope you are feeling better tomorrow,
I go to bed now :)
See you sunday =^.^=

Dexter said...

Golly! Hope you get those eyeballs straightened out or you'll be walking into walls.


The Oceanside Animals said...

Too much "Animal Planet"?

Duke said...

You are too funny, Tula! You look like you have roller eyes!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We are guessing that Norwood did that. He is a silly one..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You made us smile! Ha! Ha!

Scout and Freyja said...

We is sorry that it was raining on Saturday at your house. It is Sunday now so we hope the sun is out really big for you to have fun outside.

Astrid Keel said...

Tula, oh my DOG, you have googly eyes! that is hilarious!

Eric said...

Oh my dog. Tula.Whatever's happened to your pretty mincey pies? Better be careful when you eat. Things might look a bit bigger than they really are. Or maybe doubled up. Make sure you aim right for your old cake 'ole.

Wiry loves and Kisses Eric xxx

How's your tootsies ? All better?

Eric said...

Tula - almosty forgot - your old family photo post was hilarious. Gave Mom and me belly ache!! And the furs spray from my favourite photo was rather good on my wirys. Taaaa. Eric xxxxxxxx