A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


Save A Dog

Posted by with 8 comments
Help save shelter dogs with me!

Save a Dog on Facebook

Come join me on Save a Dog! By virtually fostering a real-life shelter dog, you'll score points that go towards cups of food and raise money for animal rescue groups across the country. And it doesn't cost you a penny!

Just click here to start:

Look who I choose to foster-- his name is Dee O Gee

his bio
Deeogee (pronounced D.O.G.) - male, neutered, 2 1/2 yrs. old, approx. 90 lbs. VERY Very very sweet disposition, gets along great with other dogs & kids & people. He is completely WHITE, with a black face & a black spotted undercoat. He is the SWEETEST dog we have owned to date ( & we've had 5). I really can't stress how sweet & loving he is, just loves to be around people & other pets. Needs your love and affection!!!

Contact: joan@adoptachowla.com and 310 306 2871

All I have to do:
logon to Save a Dog on Facebook.
go for virtual walks- click a button
get other friends to join & foster.

This raises money for rescue organizations.

Eazy Peazy.

Happy Father's Day- give your dad extra slobbery kisses!

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Bruce said...

Sharon just became a fan of save a dog & is now fostering an Italian Greyhound named Dante:) Thanks for the great idea!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Stumpy and I are heading over and will post this on our blog... GREAT post, Tula!!!

Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...

Thanks T. We are going to check it out now.


The Oceanside Animals said...

This is a cool idea!

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Awesome, Tula! We're "fostering" (again)! :) Thanks for the post!!


magiceye said...

heya! would love to have you over at Pet Pride the 2nd week has begun in right earnest!
missing you there!

cya soon!


Eric said...

Tula yoohoooooo!! I missed you, how come? Stupid square leggeded,I'm so very sorry, Your pressies looked a blast, the orange banana will look hot hot hot. I know cos I've got one.
Barking of hot, I heard you made Norwood chuck up his hot dogs the other day the silly blighter.

I've just read about Dee O Gee. He looks a bit like you but without the lipstick.Wagging idea. I'll trot over n see what I can do. Paws up for the bark out.

Wiry love and kissies, Eric xxx

Duke said...

This sounds like a very worthwhile thing to do! We're heading over!
Thanks for letting us know, Tula!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch