A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


the return of the ghost of tula

Posted by with 11 comments

Alright, more birds on my blog AND my own ghost keeps interrupting..

even graveyards aren't off limits!

Can I get some backup herah?


stay cool,

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11 WOO WOOs:

Bruce said...

You're scaring me Tula...first you turn into a Panda...then you turn into a Great White Shark...now you're a ghost visiting grave yards...& you even think you see me! What is going on? It's not even close to Halloween yet! Those baby swans are pretty cute though! I think you'd better just go back to making strange configurations with your big tongue. That I can understand. Do I need to get you a ghostbuster or maybe the ghost whisperer? Let me know if you need some help.
your cat pal,

Sharon said...

Wake up, wake up Tula...I think you are having a bad dream, although Bruce is right, those baby swans are cuter than cute!
your friend,

Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...

Hey T,

What kinda weirdness you getting yourself into over there?

Anya said...

Its a little scary here today :)
Wake up Tula !!

Elizabeth Bergesen said...

Tula, you are one crazy pup and you have scared us!! ;)

Agatha and Archie said...

Well OF COURSE he fainted....but he is back now....Tula I mean ghost of ,where is that?? It is soo pretty ! We heard the morning doves on your movie of the babies... Ya gotta watch those kids they have a mean streak...Love A+A

Asta said...

You awe in such a peaceful, bootiful place, why awe you having such scaiwy thoughts???
Those swan kids awe adowable and I bet it's cweepy to wun into youw own ghost..wake up!!!!!
enjoy the bootiful summew
smoochie kisses

Eric said...

Spoooooky. Watch those white necked swimmers, they are mighty nasty.

Wiry wags n kissies, Eric xxx

Unknown said...

Tula can't u leave the dead alone? Haunting graveyards and swans?!! Will nothong stop u!

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

We're not much for birds--except the ones we eat. We like the ghost look, though. Think you can scare up some dinnah?


Kimberly said...

I'll help you Tula.. Are you eating any funny stuff out growing in the yard?? I can run really fasts and maybe that'll shake what's creepin' up on ya...

Bell girl