A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


Dog Dayz of Summah

Posted by with 7 comments

me? toola hot.. my morning walkies weather has been
70+ with the supah muggies.
woo know! jungle weather!

therefore, it's important to get my walkies in 
first thing before retiring in front of the AC.

Luckily my room has it's own window unit
cuz i gotta it like that! Ha!

stay kool!

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  • Dog Dayz of Summah me? toola hot.. my morning walkies weather has been 70+ with the supah muggies. woo know! jungle weather! therefore, it's important to get my walkies in  first thing before retir… Read More


Unknown said...

You're label must say- keep refrigerated.

asta said...

Dawling Tulah
Tose eawly mowning walks and aiw condishuning awe the only way fow a bootiful floofy giwl like yoo to enjoy these dog days of summew
Soochie kisses

Duke said...

We're doing the exact same thing that you're doin', Tula, and prayin' for the cooler temps to show!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Cezar and Léia said...

Dear Tula girl, I'm glad that you are fine and always beautiful enjoying life with your adorable human!You have a delicious spot there for peaceful naps.
Love you my friend,
Luna - WE LOVE LUNA and hugs from mom Léia

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Goood to dee you, Tulie! I hope Stumpy and I casn visit before we head west, again. My only wheels are the moho, though, and I can't (I'm scared to try) backing it back down my mother's driveway!

asta said...

Sank yoo so much fow visiting and looking at my pictoowes. I woold have happily shawed that Pewch and cheesie goodness wif yoo. I feel vewy vewy lucky that I gots to go on that big twip and stay neew Mommi on the aiweplane
Smoochie kisses

Unknown said...

hi tula!

well we like your napping spot!

Hauwii & Princess Paulien