
eYewAtch friday: at the farmstand

Posted by with 12 comments
hi bloggie pals,
it's Norwood's eyewatch friday! 
i'm going to take woo along to one of
my favorite friday stops at
the local farmstand-

it's always busy and has the freshest fruits
and vegetables grown natively in MA.
believe me, these aren't any ordinary fruits & veggies eithah!

i usually just watch from the car- woo see
alotta wacky things happen inside..safer to keep an eYewatch from herah.
go ahead in if woo like?!

the kiwi girls try to charm visitors to go limey!
personally, no one wants a kiwi who talks tula much.

ketchup? mmmmm.. woo mean to put on hot dogs
and hamburgahs 
and french fries and norweed 
and rabbits and squirrels and??

 these potato-heads- play games to pass the time.
bet the one with the big red lippers would taste great baked with cheese, 
bacon & a dollop of sour cream & chives!

silly mangoes-- always trying to entertain themselves.
 new jokes pulleaze!

uh.. a friendly Floreeda gator. 
he mustuv made a wrong turn.
woo know this guy bruce?
scurrie on my friend!

From Millan.Net

funnie. mom only bought flowers.
good choice! what did woo get?

and that concludes our eYewAtch frIdAy.
 happy 4th of July weekend!

12 WOO WOOs:

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

ok, Tula... I am beginning to understand your anxiety...

that was seriously funny!

Cezar and Léia said...

Bonjour chèrie!
This farms is crowded of different critters and stuffs, those legumes are funny!Did you see any lettuce because I LOVE lettuce! :)
Girl, I would like to visit there, that tomato looks delicious!
But I would like to meet the alligator! LOL
Have a nice weekend,
purrs and love
Luna - We love Luna

Sam said...

Ok, I would be seriously freaked out if I went to a farmer's market and the fruit had faces. You were smart to stay in the car.

Kapitein Haakje said...

hahaha tis was so FUNNY!

El'bow & Hauwii

Bruce said...

Did one of my gator friends escape up to your neck of the woods? He'd better watch out cuz he's never seen the likes of you before Tula! Kevin would love this fruit stand cuz fruit is his favorite thing to eat in the whole wide world. Too bad he's a diabetic cuz now & he can't eat it whenever he wants. Maybe if the fruit talked back to him like this he might not wanna eat it anymore. Have a GREAT weekend!
your cat pal,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Any specials on frogs?

PeeEssWoo: Or Rocky Road?

Asta said...


That is twooly a oonique fgawmstand..gad you stayed safe in the caw, those talking, joking fwuits and veggies awe a little scawy..Ouw little mawket has much mowe silent ones
Happy Fouwf to you
(Mommi would have pwobably bought all those yummies)
smoochie kisses

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We thinks those talking fruits and vegetables are a riot! Those tomatoes look yummy! My Mom went to the farmers market here on Tuesday. She would have about died to seen and heard what you seen and heard!

Dexter said...

I'm with you. Stay in the car away from the attack alien vegetables. See? Even mom was afraid to bring them home.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That's a very interesting market, Tula. What did you have to drink before you arrived there? - BOL.

Have a great weekend.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The Oceanside Animals said...

I thought Norweed was usually served with a horseradish sauce ...

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That certainly is a bunch of silly veggies you got at the stand Tula. I think we would stay in the car too.
Yepper Dad is busy grillin on the new patio.. Too bad all the Spotted Cow is all gone. Guess Lite Beer from Miller will have to do...
Hope you are having a great weekend..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie