A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


One Great Yummy BDAY

Posted by with 14 comments
Phototime- Party for one plz

i turned the big 4 years old on Tuesday! Norwood and my catpal, Bruce spilled the beans on their bloggies. yep! They were furry nice- all kinds of visitors stopped by to give me many bday wishes. The fun only just begun... my Aunt Bee (norwood's mom) brought ovah a whole bag of goodies~ i got a little carried away. See 4 yerself. It's PHOTOTIME!

what's with the hand?! stop.. why? i'm four now. And, this is my party!

ok ok, she wants kisses first.
Kiss kiss kiss kisss kissssss. is that enough?
healthy muffins. probably since i'm on a diet? But, I don't remember putting a new gentle leader on my list.
ALRIGHT, HERE'S THE BEST PART. Mmmmm.. the package tastes pretty good too.

Orange! A new color for my bandana collection- and look, a perfect match when i play with my tricky ball. Tricky?? What's the trick? Put foodies inside and push it around with my snooter. Is that an airedale on the package?? huh.
drip drip drooooool! Guess i'm sharing.. with you. try one!
hurry, my googlie eyes can't get much googlier.

Leave the rest to your imagination!

i loved turning 4. Only 363 days til the next one, who's counting!

Pee esses: Thanks to every bloggiepal.. see my special message from the previous post.

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14 WOO WOOs:

Unknown said...

Wowzer! Glad u enjoyed the gifts but I though you were going to share??;)


Bruce said...

Hot diggity dog! You sure got a lot of good stuff Tula! Can't wait to see you in your new orange bandanna! Glad it was a happy day for you!
love ya,

Sharon said...

Hi Tula...one of my daughter's doggies in Texas turned 4 this year. He's quite a bit smaller than you though cuz he's an italian greyhound. I love him bunches & miss him a lot since he moved. I think that's why I like to visit you doggies so much. So glad you've got two lovely ladies to love you so much and I am sure they are glad they have you & Norwood to love them back...life is good when you have a dog:)

magiceye said...

hey tula! a belated happy birthday to you!!
good to see you at Pet Pride
am sure we can all have fun meeting so many others!
hope to see you around every week!!


Ali said...

cute cute cute! Happy BarkDay!

Agatha and Archie said...

OMG!WE ARE SOOO BEHIND WE DID NOT KNOW IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY WE ARE DAYS BEHIND WE FEEL AWFULL it is all our stupid secretary's faulst...Happy Happy post birthday dearest Tula. it looks like you got cool stuff too!! HEY!! we are the same age!!!!!! love and a squillion kisses A+A

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Hey Tula! we missed your barkday. but it looks like you hit the jack pot!!! wishing you many wonderful days ahead and plenty of treats, too!!! It sure looks like Aunt Bee took good care of you!!! She sure does know how to spoil a dog!!!

Thanks for stopping by our blog!

Anya said...

Happy BarkDay.....

Nice to meet you :)
LOvely pictures!!
We also join pets pride every week.

greetz Anya :)
Kareltje =^.^=

Sandy Kessler said...

best birthday ever!!sandy

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh what a wonderful birthday you had. All the awesome presents. What more could you ask for..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

T said...

Wow, lots of nice gifts for a very special girl!!

Princess Patches said...

Happy, happy barkday, Tula! Sorry we're late. We seem to be late a lot, lately!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Bruce said...

Hi Tula...I know you just visited me & thank you for that, but I just posted another one to teach you, one of my bestest doggie friends, about cats. Have a good weekend!
your pal,

Duke said...

What nice pressies you got for your special day, Tula! We love that pretty orange bandana!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch