My sweet 🐼is still down. Another trip to the vet yesterday for more meds & fluids - not eating or wanting to get up. #akitalove #olddog #potp #dogsofig
today's tulie
The 🐼is sickies. Anything she eats or drinks comes right back out both ends. Xrays didn't show much.. Resting GI tract, got rehydrated & taking a bunch of 💊. Thinks it's helping although she do…Read More
today's tulie
Should I stay or should I go? 🎸bling! #uturn #meh #akitalove #olddog #wickedsteamy #dogsofinstagram
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today's tulie
Post 2 block walkies #huffpuff 🐼😖 #back2hibernation #akitalove #abearonherwalkies #olddog #dogsofinstagram
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today's tulie
Out just in time for the sunrise🌄 Grr Morning! #americanakita #goodmorning #bigdog #abearonherwalkies #dogsofinstagram
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today's tulie
Someone 🚙 by & yelled 🗯OMG That's a beautiful dog! #awwshucks 🐼❤️#akitalove #olddog #dogsofig
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Libby (wolf) 13 yr old Black lab/chow
Jazze (little juzze girl)
12 yr old Akita/chow
Rescues after the Wolfpack:
Kiki-masho7 yr old Akita/Husky
Hazel (nut nut) OLD! Black Lab/Akita
This is not good, Tula. We are sending you lots and lots of positive vibes. We hope you feel better SOON!
Tulie! It's getting nice out! You need hotdogs!!! POTP and good mojo coming from Stumpy's house!
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