Okay, seems like the honeymoon is ovah for the sweet lilseager!
here's TMZ footage of lilsharkyseager and him discovering his little boy voice
And getting mad at things like pillows, his tail and nothing in particular! Geesh. zip it buddy!
today's tulie
Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened- Anatole France (The vet asked if I would like a 🐼Tula's paw print. It came in the mail today as a card with this quote) #akita…Read More
today's tulie
Feeling like it's time for old 🐼footage w/ Nordude: Just hanging in the backyard. whatevah. #akitalove #missingmybear #tuliescuzin #missingthedude #petstagram #blueheeler
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Tulie Memories Not the most helpful when decorating the tree🌲but I do miss stepping around her🐼 #missingtulie #akita #christmas #dogsofig #pets #akitalove…Read More
today's tulie
Ok. The hard part is not seeing this 🐼face when I come home. These past months have been miserable for her. I know she was suffering so much that it was time to let her go...good bye my sweet bear🐼…Read More
today's tulie
#tbt Old 🐼footage from the 2012 archives 🍁Happy 🐼on a leaf peeping walkies! #akitasofinstagram #missmytulie #dogsofig #fall
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Libby (wolf) 13 yr old Black lab/chow
Jazze (little juzze girl)
12 yr old Akita/chow
Rescues after the Wolfpack:
Kiki-masho7 yr old Akita/Husky
Hazel (nut nut) OLD! Black Lab/Akita
Rut Roh! I see trouble ahead. That little Seager guy is studying everything, when he's not eating it!
You look like trouble with a capital T, Seager, but you are so darn cute!
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
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