today's tulie
#tbt Old 🐼footage from the 2012 archives 🍁Happy 🐼on a leaf peeping walkies! #akitasofinstagram #missmytulie #dogsofig #fall
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today's tulie
Feeling like it's time for old 🐼footage w/ Nordude: Just hanging in the backyard. whatevah. #akitalove #missingmybear #tuliescuzin #missingthedude #petstagram #blueheeler
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Tulie Memories Not the most helpful when decorating the tree🌲but I do miss stepping around her🐼 #missingtulie #akita #christmas #dogsofig #pets #akitalove…Read More
tula memoriesFrom the 🐼archives: nite nite #bigdogproblems #missmytulie #doglife #akitalove
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today's tulie
Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened- Anatole France (The vet asked if I would like a 🐼Tula's paw print. It came in the mail today as a card with this quote) #akita…Read More
Libby (wolf) 13 yr old Black lab/chow
Jazze (little juzze girl)
12 yr old Akita/chow
Rescues after the Wolfpack:
Kiki-masho7 yr old Akita/Husky
Hazel (nut nut) OLD! Black Lab/Akita
Ha - you need to take lessons from Lightning - he has caught and brought to his bed inside a full grown bunny:(
Woos - Ciara and Lightning
We can't see any picture, Tula! boooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
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