A rescued Akita mix named Tula reacting to life!


a fieldtrip?

Posted by with 13 comments
Smiley from millan.nethi bloggiepals,

funnie- i'm awake! how'd that happen?
anywho, my nap was interrupted to go on a fieldtrip!
mom wanted me to drive along with her as she
toured different neighborhoods. 

is this what woo calling a walkies?
no  no no. the good news is my apartment days maybe numbered..
as she decided it's time to look into buying a real, actual home!

woot woot- this apartment living is fur the birds.
and it got me thinking....

huh? a house. it'll be part MY house too. right?
then i bettah make a list of my criteria.

yep, that's exactly what i'll do.
somebody grab a pen & paper. plz:)

let's see, I wanna...
furry nice backyard.  with plush grassies. chipmunks. bunnies.
a huge shady tree to keep coolie under.  yep, a bone-shaped wading pool.

 I wanna...
my furry own deluxe, air-conditioned room!
that has an enormous picture window to grr out.
 a walk-in closet fur my lovely bandaner outfits & mental leaders.
oh oh.. a MONSTAH doggie door to let myself out ANYTIME!
and my room is the closet to the kitchen
which is making fresh cookies 24/7.
Smiley from millan.net
ok, um. i wanna..
guest house with a separate
  fenced  froggie pond fur my cuzin, norweed.
i think.Smiley from millan.net

i wanna..
a neighborhood that is close to my pals.
like the RH. then i could swing my muscle butt
past his estate & hear his luvie songs. oh
and spy on him & pee wee.
 geesh, am i missing anything?

all this excitement is exhausting.
wish us luck- as we're hoping to make the big move in Octobah!

Happy Friday!

yours troolie,

paws khrossed fur our pal, Phantom
Lost dog alert: Angus, German shepherd in CO Springs 
 call Dianna at 719-223-9585 
see Khyra's blog 4 details

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  • a fieldtrip?hi bloggiepals, funnie- i'm awake! how'd that happen?anywho, my nap was interrupted to go on a fieldtrip!mom wanted me to drive along with her as shetoured different neighborhoods.  is this wh… Read More

13 WOO WOOs:

Bruce said...

This is the best news ever Tula! Congratulations & happy house hunting!
Your pal,

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

That's exciting news, Tula! Good luck finding the perfect dog house!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I didn't see a room fur Rocky on the list -

Woo might want to add that ;-)

PeeEssWoo: Thanks fur giving Angus a woof out!

Dexter said...

Tula! I hope you find a nice estate near me! Then we could totally like practice our good doggie manners together, right? You could walk back and forth in my yard and I could do the same in yours.

Stand firm regarding the doggie door. We have something called a screen door which I can open myself to go out, but it pinches my bottom sometimes and the only way I can get back in is by howling.


D.K. Wall said...

Wouldn't a guest house for Nordude just be a frog pond?

Teddy Bear said...

COngratulations!!! Happy house hunting to your pawrents. I think you've checked everything.:)

Teddy Bear

Sam said...

Best of luck in your search! I have no doubt that they will find a house that's absolutely perfect for you, Tula :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How exciting, Tula. We hope your dreams come true, but just having a place to call your own is wonderful too.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Unknown said...

Woos are getting your own pad? You might wanna plant a cookie tree in the backyard...cuz we wont be close enough to leave u cookies everyday! A lily pad for me would be nice? Ribbet

Duke said...

What exciting news, Tula! What color will you paint your new bedroom?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Eric said...

Tha'ts wagging news Tula. Paws crossed you'll find the house of your dreams and one or two of your leggeds.Tell her a bone vending machine would be a bonus too.

Wiry love Eric xxxx

Pees ...you putting your peepers on my square cousins this weekend? Have fun!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Wow! That is great news!! You gets to have a house!! We hopes you gets all those wishes that are on you list!! I especially likes the room nearest the kitchen!

Southbaygirl said...

Tula....that would be wonderful if you got everything on your list!!!! A yard and a doggie door.....how do you use a doggie door???

